are bound to be certain lingering details. Don't let it bother you; they will gradually fade completely. The important thing to remember is that all that went before is gone." She paused and, looking directly in my eyes added, "....forever!"
My mind began to spin again. I took another long drink. As I placed the glass on the table, she placed her hand over mine reassuringly.
"Don't concern yourself about the loss, Evelyn, she spoke softly. "It isn't worth it. The unhappy man who wrote to us lived in such torment, he had little to lose. He was your past.
"I---that is ---HE wrote to you?"
"Yes. We have been 'friends' for some time.
And I hope we will continue to be.'
"But I've never seen you before in my life," protested.
"It all depends on which life you mean. You forget that when you awoke this morning, you began
a new one.
"But, how?"!
We made tests and While the results
She continued calmly, "Yesterday morning, the man about whom we speak had an appointment that brought him here from Denver. He came to see me. We spent hours together. In the afternoon, we met with a young lady who was just as troubled as he. Perhaps even moreso. We talked. several very complicated studies. of these tests were analysed and approved, you both were placed under a mild drug. poured out your souls to each other, every last de- tail, omitting nothing. By the time the drug wore off, it was quite late, and although I would have preferred to wait until morning, you both insisted
You talked. You